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Airbar | Convert your laptop into a touch screen


PC Airbar is the new innovation to make your MacBook or any laptop a touch screen.
The Device Airbar can easily connect to any laptop and turn a screen into a touch screen. Airbar connects via a USB cord and a magnet on the back of the air bar having a magnet that connects to your laptop and turns them into a touch screen make sure your laptop has a USB port spare otherwise USB extension cable. Airbar is also available on many different sizes depending on your needs if you need more information check out this link

 Airbar having many features the Main features of the air bar are:

Install the multi-finger stand

Use your favorite gestures and move the trackpad directly on the screen which is the best method to operate a laptop easy and fast.

Plug and Touch

Easy and quick way to use the air bar by simply plugging in the USB connector and it makes easier for usage.

Move, choose and rotate all around

AirBar makes traveling easy in your presentations or can easily enlarge of small screen according to your size which makes more comfortable.

Swipe as you say

Swipe is also a one feature to Drag in documents and between applications.

Rotate, pinch and zoom

Due to this airbar user can easily edit their photos with pinch, rotate and zoom which only use of their hands.

Scroll through your house

Scrolling is fast and accurate with AirBar.



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